The Center for Cosmetic Medicine

Reasons for Revision Rhinoplasty

Nov 13, 2013 @ 02:46 PM — by Stuart Baker
Tagged with: Rhinoplasty Plastic Surgery

The majority of patients who undergo nose surgery, or rhinoplasty, are happy with the results, often calling the experience life-changing. The popular procedure can make subtle and delicate changes to the shape of your nose that will dramatically enhance your appearance, boost your self-confidence, and improve your ability to breathe. Some patients, unfortunately, don't get the results they were hoping for.

Choosing to undergo another plastic surgery on your nose is a difficult decision. Our Decatur and Champaign staff understands your worries and concerns about revision rhinoplasty, and we will make every effort to ensure your experience is comfortable and rewarding.

Common Reasons for Revision Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is intended to give the patient a nose that appears balanced and well-proportioned in shape and size. In rare cases of misdiagnosis, unpredictable healing patterns, or poor surgical technique, the final results might not live up to expectations.

People who are dissatisfied with their prior rhinoplasty often feel that:

Revision Rhinoplasty Procedure

Because work has already been done inside the nose, secondary nose surgery is typically a complex procedure. The natural cartilage, bone, and septum have often been partially or completely removed, leaving scar tissue and irregularities that can make additional surgical techniques more complicated. The skin can also be affected, particularly where incisions were made. These conditions require a skilled, experienced surgeon - like Dr. Stuart Baker - who can successful identify and remove the distorted parts and add support inside the nose (if needed) to build an attractive, natural-looking shape.

Timing Is Everything

In general, patients should wait one to two years after the initial surgery to consider revision rhinoplasty. Although your nose might look fully healed within a few months, it actually takes at least a year for the nasal tissues to heal and be ready to handle another surgery. Also, the results of your first surgery might not be visible for a full year, which means problems you notice in the first few months could resolve on their own as the tissues and skin heal and settle.

Ideal Candidates for Revision Rhinoplasty

Many people who are dissatisfied with the results of their rhinoplasty are suitable candidates for revision surgery, but not all. Some noses are simply as enhanced as they can be and another surgery isn't likely to improve upon the current condition. A detailed examination and consultation will determine if this procedure is a good match for your concerns and goals.

Learn More about Revision Rhinoplasty

If you have fully healed from your prior nose surgery and are having difficulty breathing or are unhappy with cosmetic results, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Baker. Many patients are relieved to hear that we can help. We look forward to meeting you and helping you improve the form and function of your nose and restoring your facial balance and overall self-esteem.